Integrate a Customer Link to access more customer information during a chat. You can quickly find customer information in the External Customer Database.
How to integrate External Link
* Depending on the design structure of your website (especially website builders), the integration may not work.
In [Channel settings] → [Integration] → [Other apps], click the [Install] button on the External Link box.
Enter the URL field (including symbols). Refer to the explanation below about the URL field.
What is a URL field?
Refers to the customer’s personal webpage link.
How to check a URL field
Please kindly note that this feature is available for Shopify websites and custom websites only
For Custom websites,
If the number value is included among the customer information linked with and the custom site, each customer information page can be linked
For Shopify websites,
https://(your website's main page URL)/admin/customers/${id}
Click here for information on how to integrate customer information for each website builder.
Test the integration
In [Channel Settings] → [Integration] → [Other apps] Check that the [Install] button has disappeared.
Click the arrow icon on the right side of your user chat. This will take you to the external customer link.
Can I only enter in a MyPage URL?