
Events: Customer Actions

An event is an interaction that occurs on the web or in the mobile app. Events can tell us a variety of information about the customer’s actions. In particular, events that occur on a running website or app are very important because it allows you to track changes in customer’s actions.
Let me give you an example. A user visits your site and browses through several detailed product pages. After that the customer scrolls down and looks at the details of the product, but he’she hasn’t decided to add the item to the shopping cart or click the buy button.
In this case, what would an offline store do? If a customer is hesitant in a particular corner, an employee will approach them and ask if there is a product they are looking for, and recommend a product to encourage them to buy.
The same thing happens online. If you want to adapt to your customers' circumstances, you need to be able to understand their behavior. If you create an event that matches with customer’s need and send it to, can receive this information and talk to the customer at the right time to induce the next action. It acts like a retail associate in an online store.
Understanding customer behavior is key to business success. Use events on to optimize services and enhance customer experience.

Event Types

Events that are provided by default in with no development required.
These values are automatically tracked when is installed on a site or app.
PageView Occurs when a customer arrives on a specific page
UserChatOpen Occurs when a customer starts a chat
MarketingView Occurs when a customer views a marketing message
Message: For bubble messages, it will be captured if the customer clicks the message. For full-screen messages, it will be captured the moment it appears on the website.
Text: It will be captured by clicking on a link in the text. (* It will not be captured by just receiving text messages)
Mail: If the customer opens the mail, it will be captured (If it is a Gmail, it may not be captured)
MarketingClick Occurs when a customer clicks on a URL link included in a marketing message
It will be captured when the customer clicks the media such as links, photos, and YouTube links included in the message. However, email is not supported.
MarketingGoal Occurs when the event value set as the goal in the marketing message is reached.
One of the reasons events are powerful is because of their properties(link). - A property is a sub-information describing an event. - With property data, you can get a more detailed picture of your events and help you make better decisions. - Where is it used? ⇒ Marketing campaigns and notifications
How can I set the Page information?
Page information obtained from the event is the same as the browser's URL unless it’s specified.
Development resources are required to set up the page separately.
How to set up a Page: Web / Mobile
Can I check the canonical URL?
Copy the URL you want to verify.
Enter the URL in and click Check.
The URL after “Canonical URL” is the page of the address.

Create an event and send it to

For Web builders:
In the case of a builder that can install from the App Store, the event value set on the builder website is automatically sent to The event value sent by each builder is different, so please refer to the installation guide.
For Custom Websites:
After creating an event using the JavaScript SDK, make recognize the event.
Creating events with GTM without development and builder restrictions
If you use Google Tag Manager provided by Google, you can create events to use in

What can I do with events?

You can find out which page the customer came from before starting the chat. Learn more
You can send marketing campaign messages according to the customer’s actions. Learn more