
What’s Marketing?


What’s Marketing?

Marketing is how your customer first hears about your product.’s marketing tools allow you to effectively use customer Data to have robust CRM marketing strategies.
There are two types of marketing functions.
One-time message: Send targeted marketing messages at one time to persuade your customers.
(One-time messaging guide)
Campaigns: Automate targeted marketing campaigns to occur multiple times.

One-Time Messages vs Campaigns

One-Time Message
Even if the customer is not on your site, you can still send the first message.
Announcements, New product releases, event news and other notifications can be sent.
Press the [Send] button to send your message.
Possible to schedule the time & date
Ability to send a message whenever a customer enters your website and takes a specific action
Suitable for membership registration messages, first purchase after membership messages, etc.
Messages are sent automatically without clicking the [Send] button every time
Possible to set the specific time to send

Marketing recipes

Apply the campaign recipes of marketing experts right away.
If you click [Use recipe], the marketing settings are automatically set.